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ControllerHelper Methods

The ReInput.ControllerHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(ActiveControllerChangedDelegate)
Add a delegate to receive a callback every time the last active controller changes.
Public methodAddLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(ActiveControllerChangedDelegate, ControllerType)
Add a delegate to receive a callback every time the last active controller of a specific type changes.
Public methodAutoAssignJoystick
Auto-assigns a Joystick to a Player based on the joystick auto-assignment settings in the Rewired Input Manager. If the Joystick is already assigned to a Player, the Joystick will not be re-assigned.
Public methodAutoAssignJoysticks
Auto-assigns all unassigned Joysticks to Players based on the joystick auto-assignment settings in the Rewired Input Manager.
Public methodClearLastActiveControllerChangedDelegates
Remove all delegates to no longer receive any callbacks when the last active controller changes.
Public methodCreateCustomController(Int32)
Create a new CustomController object from a source definition in the Rewired Input Manager.
Public methodCreateCustomController(Int32, String)
Create a new CustomController object from a source definition in the Rewired Input Manager.
Public methodCustomControllersWithSourceId
Enumerates all CustomControllers with a matching source id.
Public methodCustomControllersWithTag
Enumerates all CustomControllers with a matching tag.
Public methodDestroyCustomController
Destroys a CustomController.
Public methodGetAnyButton()
Get the button held state of all buttons on all controllers. Returns TRUE if any button is held. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButton(ControllerType)
Get the button held state of all buttons on all controllers of a specified type. Returns TRUE if any button is held. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonChanged()
Returns true if any button has changed state from the previous frame to the current. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonChanged(ControllerType)
Returns true if any button has changed state from the previous frame to the current. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonDown()
Get the button just pressed state of all buttons on all controllers. This will only return TRUE only on the first frame a button is pressed. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonDown(ControllerType)
Get the button just pressed state of all buttons on all controllers of a specified type. This will only return TRUE only on the first frame a button is pressed. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonPrev()
Get the previous button held state of all buttons on all controllers. Returns TRUE if any button was held in the previous frame. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonPrev(ControllerType)
Get the previous button held state of all buttons on all controllers of a specified type. Returns TRUE if any button was held in the previous frame. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonUp()
Get the button just released state of all buttons on all controllers of a specified type. This will only return TRUE only on the first frame a button is released. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetAnyButtonUp(ControllerType)
Get the button just released state of all buttons on all controllers of a specified type. This will only return TRUE only on the first frame a button is released. This retrieves the value from the actual hardware buttons, not Actions as mapped by Controller Maps in Player.
Public methodGetController(ControllerIdentifier)
Gets a controller that matches a Controller Idnetifier.
Public methodGetController(ControllerType, Int32)
Gets a controller of a specific type with a specific id.
Public methodGetController<T>(Int32)
Gets a controller of type by id.
Public methodGetControllerCount
Gets the number of controllers that exist of a specific type.
Public methodGetControllerNames
Get an array of connected controller names. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetControllers
Get a collection of connected controllers. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetControllerTemplates<TInterface>
Gets a list of all Controller Templates in connected Controllers that match the type.
Public methodGetCustomController
Gets a specific custom controller
Public methodGetCustomControllerNames
Get an array of connected custom controller names. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetCustomControllers
Get a collection of connected custom controllers. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetFirstCustomControllerWithSourceId
Finds the first CustomController that has a matching source id.
Public methodGetFirstCustomControllerWithTag
Finds the first CustomController that has a matching tag.
Public methodGetJoystick
Gets a specific joystick.
Public methodGetJoystickNames
Gets an array of connected joystick names. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetJoysticks
Gets a collection of connected joysticks. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetLastActiveController()
Get the last controller that produced input. If there is no last active controller, the Keyboard will be returned.
Public methodGetLastActiveController(ControllerType)
Get the last controller that produced input. If there is no last active controller of the specified type, the return value will be null.
Public methodGetLastActiveController<T>()
Get the last controller that produced input. If there is no last active controller of the specified type, the return value will be null.
Public methodGetLastActiveControllerType
Get the controller type of the last controllerthat produced input. If there is no last active controller, ControllerType.Keyboard is returned.
Public methodGetUnityJoystickIdFromAnyButtonOrAxisPress
Returns the 0 based id of the Unity joystick whose button or axis was pressed. -1 if no button or axis was pressed on any joystick. Use this to identify joysticks when using Unity's input system. This has no effect if Unity Input is not handling input on the current platform.
Public methodGetUnityJoystickIdFromAnyButtonPress
Returns the 0 based id of the Unity joystick whose button was pressed. -1 if no button was pressed on any joystick. Use this to identify joysticks when using Unity's input system. This has no effect if Unity Input is not handling input on the current platform.
Public methodIsControllerAssigned(ControllerType, Controller)
Is the specified controller assigned to any players?
Public methodIsControllerAssigned(ControllerType, Int32)
Is the specified controller assigned to any players?
Public methodIsControllerAssignedToPlayer
Is the specified controller assigned to the specified player?
Public methodIsCustomControllerAssigned(Int32)
Is a specific Custom Controller assigned to any players?
Public methodIsCustomControllerAssigned(CustomController)
Is a specific Custom Controller assigned to any players?
Public methodIsCustomControllerAssignedToPlayer
Is a specific Custom Controller assigned to a specific player?
Public methodIsJoystickAssigned(Int32)
Is a specific Joystick assigned to any players?
Public methodIsJoystickAssigned(Joystick)
Is a specific Joystick assigned to any players?
Public methodIsJoystickAssignedToPlayer
Is a specific Joystick assigned to a specific player?
Public methodRemoveControllerFromAllPlayers(Controller, Boolean)
De-assigns the specified controller from all players.
Public methodRemoveControllerFromAllPlayers(ControllerType, Int32, Boolean)
De-assigns the specified controller from all players.
Public methodRemoveCustomControllerFromAllPlayers(Int32, Boolean)
De-assigns a specific Custom Controller from all Players
Public methodRemoveCustomControllerFromAllPlayers(CustomController, Boolean)
De-assigns a specific Custom Controller from all Players
Public methodRemoveJoystickFromAllPlayers(Int32, Boolean)
De-assigns a specific Joystick from all Players
Public methodRemoveJoystickFromAllPlayers(Joystick, Boolean)
De-assigns a specific Joystick from all Players
Public methodRemoveLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(ActiveControllerChangedDelegate)
Remove a delegate to no longer receive callbacks when the last active controller changes.
Public methodRemoveLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(ActiveControllerChangedDelegate, ControllerType)
Remove a delegate to no longer receive callbacks when the last active controller of a specific type changes.
Public methodSetUnityJoystickId
Sets a Unity joystick as the input source of a Joystick. Use this to remap a joystick to its source when reconnected on platforms that use Unity Input. This has no effect if Unity Input is not handling input on the current platform.
Public methodSetUnityJoystickIdFromAnyButtonOrAxisPress
Sets a Unity joystick as the input source of a Joystick. The first Unity joystick that returns a button or axis press will be assigned to the Joystick. While no buttons or axes are pressed, this will return False. When a press is detected, it will return True and assign the joystick id.
Public methodSetUnityJoystickIdFromAnyButtonPress
Sets a Unity joystick as the input source of a Joystick. The first Unity joystick that returns a button press will be assigned to the Joystick. While no buttons are pressed, this will return False. When a button press is detected, it will return True and assign the joystick id.
See Also