Best Practices

Input Manager:

  • Create the Rewired Input Manager as a prefab and Rewired Initializer to manage instantiation of the Rewired Input Manager prefabin all your scenes.

Controller Mapping:

Controller Assignment:

  • Always provide some means for your users to change controller assignments. It is especially important if you are making a multi-player game. You cannot know what devices, physical or virtual, will be present on a user's system, appear as Joysticks to Rewired, and be assigned to a Player. Device emulation software (VJoy, DS4Win, SCPToolkit, etc.) and certain device drivers can and frequently do cause problems by creating extra, non-functional virtual devices. Allowing the user to make their own controller assignments solves this issue as well as making it possible for users to swap controllers, etc. You can either include Control Mapper directly in your game or create your own system.
  • If your game is 1-Player: Set Max Joysticks Per Player to 100 so all controllers attached to the system may be used by the player.

Windows Standalone Platform:

  • Always enable Use Windows Gaming Input + Use XInput. Windows Gaming Input provides universal comaptibility with all XInput-compatible controllers such as Xbox controllers and clones. It also provides support for vibration including trigger vibration, independent trigger values, and support for more than 4 controllers at once with all special features. Also enabling Use XInput allows for falling back to XInput on older systems that do not support Windows Gaming Input. The only exception to this rule would be if your game requires support for more than 4 XBox controllers at once (XInput has a limit of 4), in which case, Use XInput can be disabled to allow Raw Input to be used as the fallback in case Windows Gaming Input is not available on the system to be able to support more than 4 XBox controllers at once, albeit with caveats.
