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PlayerControllerHelper Class

Provides access to all controller-related members in Player.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rewired
Assembly:  Rewired_Core (in Rewired_Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ControllerHelper

The PlayerControllerHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControllers
Enumerates all controllers of all types assigned to this Player.
Public propertycustomControllerCount
The number of Custom Controllers assigned to this Player.
Public propertyCustomControllers
Gets a list of Custom Controllers assigned to this Player.
Public propertyexcludeFromControllerAutoAssignment
Determines whether controllers can be auto-assigned to this Player.
Public propertyhasKeyboard
Is the keyboard assigned to this Player?
Public propertyhasMouse
Is the mouse assigned to this Player?
Public propertyjoystickCount
The number of joysticks assigned to this Player.
Public propertyJoysticks
A list of joysticks assigned to this Player.
Public propertyKeyboard
Gets the Keyboard.
Public propertyMouse
Gets the Mouse.
Public methodAddController(Controller, Boolean)
Public methodAddController(ControllerType, Int32, Boolean)
Public methodAddControllerT(Int32, Boolean)
Assigns a controller to this Player.
Public methodAddLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(PlayerActiveControllerChangedDelegate)
Add a delegate to receive a callback every time the last active controller changes.
Public methodAddLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(PlayerActiveControllerChangedDelegate, ControllerType)
Add a delegate to receive a callback every time the last active controller of a specific type changes.
Public methodClearAllControllers
Unassign all controllers from this Player.
Public methodClearControllersOfType(ControllerType)
Public methodClearControllersOfTypeT
Unassign all controllers of a specific type from this Player.
Public methodClearLastActiveControllerChangedDelegates
Remove all delegates to no longer receive any callbacks when the last active controller changes.
Public methodContainsController(Controller)
Public methodContainsController(ControllerType, Int32)
Public methodContainsControllerT(Int32)
Checks if a controller is assigned to this Player.
Public methodGetController(ControllerType, Int32)
Public methodGetControllerT(Int32)
Gets a controller of the specified type assigned to this Player.
Public methodGetControllerTemplatesTInterface
Gets a list of all Controller Templates in assigned Controllers that match the type.
Public methodGetControllerWithTag(ControllerType, String)
Public methodGetControllerWithTagT(String)
Gets a controller of the specificed type with the specified tag assigned to this Player.
Public methodGetFirstControllerWithTemplate(Guid)
Gets the first Controller of any type that implements the specified Controller Template.
Public methodGetFirstControllerWithTemplate(Type)
Gets the first Controller of any type that implements the specified Controller Template.
Public methodGetFirstControllerWithTemplateT
Gets the first Controller of any type that implements the specified Controller Template.
Public methodGetLastActiveController
Get the last controller that contributed input through the Player.
Public methodGetLastActiveController(ControllerType)
Get the last controller that contributed input through the Player.
Public methodGetLastActiveControllerT
Get the last controller that contributed input through the Player.
Public methodRemoveController(Controller)
Public methodRemoveController(ControllerType, Int32)
Public methodRemoveControllerT(Int32)
Unassigns a controller from this Player.
Public methodRemoveLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(PlayerActiveControllerChangedDelegate)
Remove a delegate to no longer receive callbacks when the last active controller changes.
Public methodRemoveLastActiveControllerChangedDelegate(PlayerActiveControllerChangedDelegate, ControllerType)
Remove a delegate to no longer receive callbacks when the last active controller of a specific type changes.
Public eventControllerAddedEvent
Event triggered when a controller is assigned to this Player.
Public eventControllerRemovedEvent
Event triggered when a controller is unassigned from this Player.
See Also