Click or drag to resize

PlayerMouse Properties

The PlayerMouse type exposes the following members.

Public propertyanimation Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyaudio Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyaxes
The list of Axes in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertyaxisCount
The number of Axes in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertybuttonCount
The number of Buttons in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertybuttons
The list of Buttons in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertycamera Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyclampToMovementArea
If enabled, movement will be clamped to the movementArea.
Public propertycollider Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertycollider2D Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyconstantForce Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertydefaultToCenter
If enabled, the screen position will default to the center of the allowed movement area. Otherwise, it will default to the lower-left corner of the allowed movement area.
Public propertyelementCount
The number of Elements in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertyelements
The list of Elements of all types in the controller.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertyenabled (Inherited from Behaviour.)
Public propertygameObject (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiElement Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiText Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiTexture Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyhideFlags (Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyhingeJoint Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyisActiveAndEnabled (Inherited from Behaviour.)
Public propertyleftButton
The left or first button.
Public propertylight Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertymiddleButton
The middle or third button.
Public propertymovementArea
The allowed movement area for the mouse pointer. Set movementAreaUnit to determine the data format of this value. This rect is a screen-space rect with 0, 0 at the lower-left corner. If you pass a UnityEngine.Rect in which represents 0, 0 as the upper-left corner, Y will automatically be flipped.
Public propertymovementAreaUnit
The unit format of the movement area. This is used to determine the data format of movementArea.
Public propertyname (Inherited from Object.)
Public propertynetworkView Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyparticleSystem Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyplayerId
The Player id of the Player used for the source of input.
(Inherited from PlayerController.)
Public propertypointerSpeed
The pointer speed. This does not affect the speed of input from the mouse x/y axes if useHardwarePointerPosition is enabled. It only affects the speed from input sources other than mouse x/y or if mouse x/y are mapped to Actions assigned to Axes.
Public propertyrenderer Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrightButton
The right or second button.
Public propertyrigidbody Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrigidbody2D Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrunInEditMode (Inherited from MonoBehaviour.)
Public propertyscreenPosition
The screen position on the current frame.
Public propertyscreenPositionDelta
The change in screen position since the previous frame.
Public propertyscreenPositionPrev
The screen position on the previous frame.
Public propertytag (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertytransform (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyuseGUILayout (Inherited from MonoBehaviour.)
Public propertyuseHardwarePointerPosition
If enabled, the hardware pointer position will be used for mouse input. Otherwise, the position of the pointer will be calculated only from the Axis Action values.
Public propertywheel
The wheel (or the first wheel if multiple exist.)
Public propertyxAxis
The horizontal axis or the first axis.
Public propertyyAxis
The vertical axis or the second axis.
See Also