Click or drag to resize

ConfigHelper Properties

The ReInputConfigHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyactivateActionButtonsOnNegativeValue
Determines how button values are calculated by Player Actions. If enabled, Actions with either a negative or positive Axis value will return True when queried with player.GetButton. If disabled, Actions with a negative Axis value will always return False when queried with player.GetButton, and must be queried with player.GetNegativeButton. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyalwaysUseUnityInput
Toggles the use of Unity input during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed. This is an alias for disableNativeInput.
Public propertyandroid_supportUnknownGamepads
Toggles the support of unknown gamepads on the Android platform during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyassignJoysticksToPlayingPlayersOnly
Toggles even joystick auto-assignment to Players with isPlayer = True only during runtime. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyautoAssignJoysticks
Toggles joystick auto-assignment during runtime. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertydefaultAbsoluteAxisPollingDeadZone
The default polling dead zone used when polling Absolute coordinate mode axes. In order for the axis to be detected when polling, the change in absolute value of the axis over the polling period must be greater than this amount. Do not set this value too low or noisy axes will be detected. This only applies to axes that use an Absolute coordinate system such as joysticks. Each indivisual axis may override this default value. [Default = 0.7]
Public propertydefaultAxisSensitivityType
Changes the default axis sensitivity type for axes. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired. Changing this setting will not change the AxisSensitivityType on Controllers already connected during the game session. It will also not change the AxisSensitivityType in saved user data that is loaded.
Public propertydefaultJoystickAxis2DDeadZoneType
Changes the default dead zone type for 2D joystick axes for recognized controllers. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertydefaultJoystickAxis2DSensitivityType
Changes the default sensitivity type for 2D joystick axes for recognized controllers. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertydefaultRelativeAxisPollingDeadZone
The default polling dead zone used when polling Relative coordinate mode axes. In order for the axis to be detected when polling, the change in absolute value of the axis over the polling period must be greater than this amount. Do not set this value too low or noisy axes will be detected. This only applies to axes that use a Relative coordinate system such as mouse axes. Each indivisual axis may override this default value. [Default = 100]
Public propertydeferControllerConnectedEventsOnStart
Defer controller connected events for controllers already connected when Rewired initializes until the Start event instead of during initialization. Normally, it's impossible to receive controller connection events at the start of runtime because Rewired initializes before any other script is able to subscribe to the controller connected event. Enabling this will defer the controller connected events until the Start event, allowing your scripts to subscribe to the controller connected event in Awake and still receive the event callback. If disabled, controller connection events for controllers already connected before runtime starts will be missed.
Public propertydisableNativeInput
Toggles the use of Unity input during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertydistributeJoysticksEvenly
Toggles even joystick auto-assignment distribution among Players during runtime. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyenhancedDeviceSupport
Toggles the use of enhanced device support during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyenhancedDeviceSupportExcludedDeviceTypes
Gets or sets a copy of the list of all the device types excluded from Enhanced Device Support. This will not return any values if the current platform does not support Enhanced Device Support. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is set.
Public propertyforce4WayHats
Force all 8-way hats on recognized joysticks to be treated as 4-way hats. If enabled, the corner directions on all hats will activate the adjacent 2 cardinal direction buttons instead of the corner button. This is useful if you need joystick hats to behave like D-Pads instead of 8-way hats. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertygenerateKeyEventsOnKeyCombinationOverride
Determines if key up and down events are generated when the Action(s) bound to one or more modifier keys that are part of a key combination are overridden and resumed when the succeeding key(s) in the key combination are pressed or released. Example: Cntl is bound to Action1. Cntl + W is bound to Action2. When Cntl is pressed, Action1 generates Down and On events. When W is pressed while Cntl is held, should Action1, bound to Cntl, generate an Up event (because it has been overridden and is now off). Similarly, when Cntl + W is held and W is released, if KeyCombinationOverrideMode is set to Pause, should Action1, bound to Cntl, generate a Down event (because it is no longer overridden and resumes returning True)? This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyignoreInputWhenAppNotInFocus
Ignores input if the application is not in focus This setting has no effect on some platforms. NOTE: Disabling this does not guarantee that input will be processed when the application is out of focus. Whether input is received by the application or not is dependent on A) the input device type B) the current platform C) the input source(s) being used. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyjoystickRefreshRate
The joystick refresh rate in frames per second. [0 - 2000] [0 = Default] Set this to a higher value if you need higher precision input timing at high frame rates such as for a music beat game. Higher values result in higher CPU usage. Note that setting this to a very high value when the game is running at a low frame rate will not result in higher precision input. This settings only applies to input sources that use a separate thread to poll for joystick input values (currently Direct Input, XInput, and Windows Gaming Input). This setting does not apply to event-based input sources such as Raw Input. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertykeyCombinationOverrideMode
Determines how Actions bound to keys that are also used in key combinations behave. Example: Ctrl is bound to Action1 and Ctrl + W is bound to Action 2. When Ctrl is pressed, Action1 activates until W is also pressed. This defines how the underlying Action1 bound to Ctrl will behave when H is pressed and when H is released. When Ctrl + H is pressed, the key combination overrides Action1 and it returns a value of False. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertylinuxStandalonePrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in Linux Standalone during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertylogLevel
Determines the level of internal logging.
Public propertymaxJoysticksPerPlayer
Set the max number of joysticks assigned to each Player by joystick auto-assignment during runtime. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertynativeKeyboardSupport
Toggles the use of native keyboard handling during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertynativeMouseSupport
Toggles the use of native mouse handling during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyosxStandalonePrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in OSX Standalone during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyps4PrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in PS4 during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyreassignJoystickToPreviousOwnerOnReconnect
Toggles joystick auto-reassignment when re-connected to the last owning Player during runtime. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertythrottleCalibrationMode
Determines how throttles on recognized controllers are calibrated. By default, throttles are calibrated for a range of 0 to +1. This is suitable for most flight and racing games. Some games may require a range of -1 to +1 such as space flight games where a negative value denotes a reverse thrust. Changing this setting will revert all throttle calibrations to the default values for the chosen calibration mode. This setting can be changed without resetting Rewired.
Public propertyupdateLoop
Changes the Update Loop setting during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed. This can be set to multiple values simultaneously. Note: Update is required. Update will be enabled even if you unset the Update flag.
Public propertyuseAppleGameControllerFramework
Public propertyuseWindowsGamingInput
Toggles the use of WindowsGamingInput in Windows Standalone and Windows UWP during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyuseXInput
Toggles the use of XInput in Windows Standalone and Windows UWP during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertywebGLPrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in WebGL during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertywindowsStandalonePrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in Windows Standalone during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertywindowsUWPPrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in Windows 10 Universal during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertywindowsUWPSupportGamepads
Use Windows.Gaming.Input.Gamepad for compatible devices. Also enables special features for compatible devices such as vibration. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertywindowsUWPSupportHIDDevices
Toggles support for HID devices in Windows UWP. This includes older gamepads, gamepads made for Android, flight controllers, racing wheels, etc. In order to use this feature, you must add support for HID gamepads and joysticks to the app manifest file. Please see the Special Platform Support -> Windows 10 Universal documentation for details. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
Public propertyxboxOnePrimaryInputSource
Changes the primary input source in Xbox One during runtime. Rewired will be completely reset if this value is changed.
See Also