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ControllerMapLayoutManager Properties

The ControllerMapLayoutManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyenabled
If enabled, loaded Controller Maps will be evaluated when Controllers are assigned, after saved data is loaded, etc. Changes to Controller Maps will be applied immediately in the Player when enabled.
Public propertyloadFromUserDataStore
If enabled, Controller Maps will be loaded from UserDataStore (if available) instead of from the Rewired Input Manager defaults. If no matching Controller Map is found in UserDataStore, the Rewired Input Manager default will be loaded. Note: The UserDataStore implementation must implement IControllerMapStore to be used.
Public propertyruleSets
The list of rule sets. When Apply is called (whether manually or on various events which trigger it), each rule set in the list will be evaluated and Controller Maps for the Controller(s) specified in the rule properties will be loaded or removed. After modifying or replacing the list, you must call Apply for the changes to take effect in the Player.
See Also