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PlayerHelper Methods

The ReInputPlayerHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetPlayer(Int32)
Gets a Player at a specific id
Public methodGetPlayer(String)
Gets a Player by name
Public methodGetPlayerDescriptiveNames
Gets an array of player descriptive names. Optionally includes the System player. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetPlayerId
Gets the id of a Player by name
Public methodGetPlayerIds
Gets an array of player ids. Optionally includes System player. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetPlayerNames
Gets an array of player names. Optionally includes the System player. Allocates an array, so use sparingly to reduce garbage collection.
Public methodGetPlayers
Gets a list of Players.
Public methodGetSystemPlayer
Gets the System Player
See Also