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ControllerAssignment Methods

The GCControllerInputControllerAssignment type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearNativePlayerIndices
Clears all native GCController player index to Player associations.
Public methodStatic memberContainsNativePlayerIndex
Determines if there is a Player association with the native GCController player index.
Public methodStatic memberGetNativePlayerIndicesForPlayer(Int32, ListGCControllerPlayerIndex)
Get the native GCController player indices associated with the Rewired Player.
Public methodStatic memberGetNativePlayerIndicesForPlayer(Player, ListGCControllerPlayerIndex)
Get the native GCController player index associated with the Rewired Player.
Public methodStatic memberGetPlayerForNativePlayerIndex
Gets the Rewired Player associated with the native GCController player index.
Public methodStatic memberGetPlayerIdForNativePlayerIndex
Gets the Rewired Player id associated with the native GCController player index.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveNativePlayerIndex
Removes the Player association for the local XUser id.
Public methodStatic memberSetPlayerForNativePlayerIndex(GCControllerPlayerIndex, Player)
Sets the native GCController player index associated with the Rewired Player.
Public methodStatic memberSetPlayerForNativePlayerIndex(GCControllerPlayerIndex, Int32)
Sets the native GCController player index associated with the Rewired Player.
See Also