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ControllerMapLayoutManager Class

Manages loading and unloading of Controller Maps in a Player based on user settings to force the specified Layouts to be used. This can be used to make specific Controller Maps be loaded in a Player with specific Layouts, for example when changing from one Controller Layout to another. These settings will persist and be inherited by new Controllers assigned to the Player. This will enforce a single Layout per managed Map Category be loaded in the Player. This cannot manage mutliple simultaneous Layouts in the same Map Category being loaded in the Player. This does not manage enabled states of the Controller Maps. It only manages loading and unloading of Controller Maps.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rewired
Assembly:  Rewired_Core (in Rewired_Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ControllerMapLayoutManager

The ControllerMapLayoutManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyenabled
If enabled, loaded Controller Maps will be evaluated when Controllers are assigned, after saved data is loaded, etc. Changes to Controller Maps will be applied immediately in the Player when enabled.
Public propertyloadFromUserDataStore
If enabled, Controller Maps will be loaded from UserDataStore (if available) instead of from the Rewired Input Manager defaults. If no matching Controller Map is found in UserDataStore, the Rewired Input Manager default will be loaded. Note: The UserDataStore implementation must implement IControllerMapStore to be used.
Public propertyruleSets
The list of rule sets. When Apply is called (whether manually or on various events which trigger it), each rule set in the list will be evaluated and Controller Maps for the Controller(s) specified in the rule properties will be loaded or removed. After modifying or replacing the list, you must call Apply for the changes to take effect in the Player.
Public methodApply
Applies settings to Controller Maps in the Player. This must be called if you make changes to anything in ruleSets in order for those changes to be applied to the Player's Controller Maps.
Public methodImportJson
Imports data from JSON.
Public methodImportXml
Imports data from XML.
Public methodLoadDefaults
Loads the default settings from the Rewired Input Manager.
Public methodToJsonString
Exports data to JSON.
Public methodToXmlString
Exports data to XML.
See Also