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ActionElementMap Class

Maps an Action to a Controller element.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rewired
Assembly:  Rewired_Core (in Rewired_Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ActionElementMap

The ActionElementMap type exposes the following members.

Public methodActionElementMap
Initializes a new instance of the ActionElementMap class
Public methodActionElementMap(ActionElementMap)
Initializes a new instance of the ActionElementMap class
Public methodActionElementMap(Int32, ControllerElementType, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the ActionElementMap class
Public methodActionElementMap(Int32, ControllerElementType, Int32, Pole, AxisRange)
Initializes a new instance of the ActionElementMap class
Public methodActionElementMap(Int32, ControllerElementType, Int32, Pole, AxisRange, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the ActionElementMap class
Public methodActionElementMap(Int32, ControllerElementType, Pole, KeyboardKeyCode, ModifierKey, ModifierKey, ModifierKey)
Create an ActionElementMap for a keyboard key.
Public propertyactionDescriptiveName
Gets the descriptive name of the Action. For split axes, this will return the Positive or Negative Descriptive Name or the Descriptive Name with a +/- suffix.
Public propertyactionId
Gets the id of the Action to which the element is bound.
Public propertyaxisContribution
The contribution to the Action's final value when queried as an axis. Describes how the binding contributes value to the Action when that Action is queried as an Axis. (Player.GetAxis()). Axis Contribution describes the Action, not the element. Axis Contribution is used to determine how button elements and split-axis element (one pole of an axis element) bindings contribute value to the Action's value when queried as an axis. Axis Contribution is not used when the Action is bound to a full-axis element. Instead invert is used to determine how the full-axis binding contributes value to the Action when queried as an axis.
Public propertyaxisRange
The range of the axis. Describes whether the Action is bound to the full, positive, or negative portion of the axis element. Axis Range describes the axis element, not the Action. Axis Range is not used when the Action is bound to a button element because buttons do not have a range of values or +/- poles. For Actions bound to buttons or only one pole of an axis, axisContribution.
Public propertyaxisType
The axis type.
Public propertycontrollerMap
The parent Controller Map that contains this ActionElementMap.
Public propertyelementIdentifierId
The controller element identifier id bound to the Action. Warning: Do not change this value during iteration of the list of element mappings in a Controller Map. If the element type changes based on the new element identifier id, the element mapping list will be changed resulting in an InvalidOperationException during iteration.
Public propertyelementIdentifierName
Gets the descriptive name of the element identifier bound to the Action. For split axes, this will return the Positive or Negative Descriptive Name or the Descriptive Name with a +/- suffix.
Public propertyelementIndex
Gets the controller element index pointed to by this mapping.
Public propertyelementType
Gets the element type of the controller element bound to the Action.
Public propertyenabled
Is the Action Element Map enabled? Disabled maps will never return input.
Public propertyhasModifiers
Does this use any keyboard modfiier keys?
Public propertyid
Gets the unique runtime id of this ActionElementMap. This value is not consistent between game sessions, so do not store it.
Public propertyinvert
Is the axis inverted?
Public propertykeyboardKeyCode
The keyboard key code. Only used for keyboard bindings. Returns Rewired.KeyboardKeyCode value.
Public propertykeyCode
The keyboard key code. Only used for keyboard bindings. Returns UnityEngine.KeyCode value.
Public propertymodifierKey1
The first keyboard modifier key.
Public propertymodifierKey2
The second keyboard modifier key.
Public propertymodifierKey3
The third keyboard modifier key.
Public propertymodifierKeyFlags
Flags representing all the assigned keyboard modifier keys.
Public methodCheckForAssignmentConflict(ActionElementMap)
Checks if there are any assignment conflicts between the incoming ActionElementMap and this map.
Public methodCheckForAssignmentConflict(ElementAssignment)
Checks if there are any assignment conflicts between the incoming ElementAssignment and this map.
Public methodIsTarget(ControllerElementTarget)
Is the Controller Element target mapped by this ActionElementMap?
Public methodIsTarget(IControllerElementTarget)
Is the Controller Element target mapped by this ActionElementMap?
Public methodShowInField
Should this Action Element Map be shown in a particular input field with the specified range? This makes it easy to determine whether to show this map in a full, positive, or negative input field when remapping controls.
Public methodToString (Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also