Input Behaviors

An Input Behavior is a modifier that affects certain properties of an Action or changes its final value in a variety of ways. For example, Input Behaviors allow you to set options for digital axis simulation (sensitivity, gravity, etc.), how to handle mouse axes, apply controller-type specific sensitivity, set button double press speed, set button dead zone, and much more. Each Action is always assigned a single Input Behavior. If you have many Actions that need to behave in the same manner, you don't have to duplicate the information -- just assign the same Input Behavior to each Action.

Creating/Editing Input Behaviors

You create and edit Input Behaviors in the Rewired Editor. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

Per-Player, Run-Time Modifiable

At runtime, Input Behaviors are duplicated for each Player. This allows you to modify Input Behaviors during runtime if necessary for each Player individually. Additionally, Input Behaviors can be saved to XML and re-loaded. See Modifying Input Behaviors during runtime for more information.

Joystick Axis Sensitivity

This allows you to change joystick axis sensitivity for a particular Action or Actions. This can be used to change look sensitivity for example across all joysticks that are assigned to a player. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

Digital Axis Settings

These settings allow buttons and keyboard keys to be treated like axes and return values ranging from -1 to 1 instead of just True and False as is the usual case. This allows you, for instance, to have smooth character movement when using the keyboard for movement controls. The GetAxis value of the Action can be smoothed over time based on the Digital Axis Settings (gravity and sensitivity). See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information about each setting.

Mouse Axis Settings

Input Behaviors support various mouse axis modes. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

Custom Controller Axis Sensitivity

This allows you to change Custom Controller axis sensitivity for a particular Action or Actions. This can be used to change look sensitivity for example across all Custom Controllers that are assigned to a player. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

Button Dead Zone

This is useful if you map axes as buttons. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

Button Double Press Speed

If you need to detect a double press, set the double press speed and call player.GetButtonDoublePressDown or player.GetButtonDoublePressHold.

Button Short and Long Press

If you need to detect a short or a long press, set the required time and an optional expiration for these events and call one of the Short or Long Press methods listed here.

Button Repeating

If you need to detect a button press that repeats on a regular interval, set the repeat rate and optional delay for these events and call one of the the button repeating method listed here.

Button Down Buffer

This makes player.GetButtonDown return TRUE for extra time beyond a single frame. See Rewired Editor - Input Behaviors for more information.

See Also

API Reference - Input Behavior